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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Sciences, Technologie, Santé

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Faculty of Medicine TRU

The diverse academic courses on health and patient care provided by the Medicine TRU are based on the SimUSantéactive teaching centre, which professionalises learning through digital and/or robotic simulation.

Courses leads to the professions of speech therapist, orthoptist, midwife, masseur-physiotherapist, dental surgeon and, of course, doctor, whatever the mode of practice, from private practice to hospital, via research and the pharmaceutical industry. 40 to 45 medical specialties are offered, including about 15 in surgery. 

Director: Gabriel CHOUKROUN

Location: Amiens (2 sites): Pôle Campus, and rue des Louvels, Pôle Santé.


TRU Website:

Key figures:
Number of students: 4280
Number of teachers: 194
Number of diplomas & degrees: 4 (2 capacities, 1 Bachelor’s degree, 1 master’s degree)

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research units attached to the TRU (link to UR sites):
  • Neurodevelopment, maturation and environmental factors
  • GRAMFC, Research group on multimodal analysis of brain function - INSERM
  • GRAP, Research group on alcohol and drug dependence - INSERM
  • LNFP, Functional Neuroscience and Pathology Laboratory
  • APERE, Physiological adaptation to exercise and exercise rehabilitation
  • PeriTox, Perinatality and toxic risks - INERIS
  • Cellular therapies and cancer
  • LNPC, normal and pathological lymphocytes and cancers
  • LPCM, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Physiology
  • UVCF, Unit of Clinical and Fundamental Virology
  • Normal tissue remodelling and pathology
  • MP3CV, Pathophysiological mechanisms and consequences of cardiovascular calcifications - INSERM
  • HERVI, Haemostasis and post-ischaemic vascular remodelling

Faculty of Pharmacy TRU

The courses at the TRU of Pharmacy offer students three main career paths: pharmacist in a pharmacy, pharmacist in a hospital (internal pharmacy or biological analysis laboratory), and pharmacist in the pharmaceutical or cosmetics industry. Through competitive examinations, it is also possible to become a pharmacist-inspector for the Social Security or the Regional Health Agency or a pharmacist for the scientific police.

Director : Jean-Marc CHILLON

Location : Amiens (2 sites): Pôle Campus, and rue des Louvels, Pôle Santé.

Contact :

TRU Website:

Key figures:
Number of students: 830
Number of teachers: 50
Number of diplomas & degrees: 6 (1 Vocational Bachelor’s degree - 1 Master’s degree - 4 University Diplomas)

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research units attached to the TRU (link to UR sites):

  • BioEcoAgro (BIOPI)
  • EDYSAN, Ecology and dynamics of anthropised systems
  • GRAP, Research Group on Alcohol and Drug Dependence
  • AGIR, Infectious agents, resistance and chemotherapy
  • MP3CV, Pathophysiological mechanisms and consequences of cardiovascular calcifications

Faculty of Sciences TRU

The TRU in Sciences offers a very diversified range of courses, enabling students to acquire knowledge and skills that guarantee very good access to the job-market (>92%). The courses are based on the excellence of 12 research units and state-of-the-art experimental equipment grouped within four platforms.

Director: Françoise GILLET

Location : Amiens, rue Saint-Leu, Pôle Scientifique.

NB: Also available at the Beauvais Campus (link to " UPJV Beauvais Campus”)


TRU Website:

Key figures:
Number of students: 4371
Number of teachers: 212
Number of diplomas & degrees: 22 (6 Bachelor’s degrees - 5 Vocational Bachelor’s degrees - 10 Master’s degrees - 1 University Diploma)

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research units attached to the TRU (link to UR sites):
  • BioEcoAgro (BIOPI)
  • EDYSAN, Ecology and dynamics of anthropised systems - CNRS
  • EPROAD, Eco-processes, optimisation and decision support
  • GEC, Laboratory of Enzymatic and Cellular Engineering - CNRS
  • LAMFA, Amiens Fundamental & Applied Mathematics Laboratory - CNRS
  • LG2A, Laboratory of Glycochemistry of Antimicrobials and Agro-resources - CNRS
  • LPMC, Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory
  • LRCS, Laboratory of Reactivity and Solid-State Chemistry - CNRS
  • LTI, Laboratory of Innovative Technologies
  • MIS, Modelling, Information and Systems
  • PSC, Laboratory of Complex Systems Physics
  • LPCM, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Physiology

Faculty of Science and Techniques of Physical and Sporting Activities - STAPS TRU

The STAPS TRU proposed courses for a wide variety of sports professions: physical and sports activity teachers, educators specialising in deficient motor skills, physical trainers, sports managers, etc.

Director: Saïd AHMAÏDI

Location :

  • Amiens, allée Paschal Grousset, Pôle Sports
  • Cuffies-Soissons, Les terrasses du Mail, 17 avenue François Mitterrand
Amiens campus: -
STAPS Cuffies campus:

TRU Website:

Key figures:
Number of students: 2092
Number of teachers: 35
Number of diplomas & degrees: 4 (1 Bachelor’s degree - 2 Master’s degrees - 1 University Diploma (DUST))

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research unit attached to the TRU (link to UR sites):

  • APERE, Physiological adaptation to exercise and exercise rehabilitation
  • To be completed ?

Higher Institute of Science and Technology - INSSET

INSSET offers training courses from Bachelor degrees to Master degrees in 5 fields of expertise leading to innovative and sought-after professions:

  • logistics engineering
  • digital mechanics and design
  • on-board systems
  • digital industry
  • digital
  • web & cloud

Director : Emmanuel BELLANGER

Location :
Saint-Quentin, Campus Universitaire de Saint-Quentin - Pôle Technologique 48 Rue d'Ostende.


TRU Website:

Facebook page:

Key figures:
Number of students: 346
Number of teachers: 28
Number of degrees: 5 (1 Bachelor’s degree - 1 Vocational Bachelor’s degree - 3 Master's degrees)

To view the academic courses on offer:

Research units attached to INSSET (link to UR sites):

  • LTI, Laboratory of Innovative Technologies
  • MIS, Modelling, Information and Systems
  • To be completed ?

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