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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Disability support

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The UPJV supports students and staff with disabilities to facilitate their inclusion in the institution.

You are a student

The Department for Students with Disabilities informs you, welcomes you, monitors you and sets up your personal support plan as part of your mobility at the UPJV. It puts you in touch with all the university's services, taking into account your situation.

Do not hesitate to identify yourself and make contact so that the department can better anticipate your needs!
To register and obtain your personal support plan :

The services of the disability department

  • teaching aids
  • accessibility
  • requesting accommodation for your schooling
  • transport
  • jonb-market access

And concretely?

  • Assistance for courses and assessments: provision of a third party programme, free photocopies of courses and enlargements of mimeographed subjects, access or installation arrangements, composition in a particular room, permission to leave the examination room, etc.
  • Human helpers: note takers, examination secretaries
  • Material aids: laptops, digital recorders, digital pens, magnifying glasses, desks, etc.
  • Integration aids: organisation of events such as the Amiens Sports and Disability Day, Handi'Art Day, etc.

Disabilities covered

  • Autism
  • Dyslexia
  • Hearing impairment
  • Mental disability
  • Motor disability
  • Visual disability
  • Chronic diseases
  • Multiple disabilities
  • Psychological disorders

You are a researcher

In coordination with the occupational physician and the Human Resources Department (HRD), the Department for Staff with Disabilities provides support.

Information, reception, follow-up, setting up a personal support plan, drawing up the file for the Recognition of the Status of a Worker with Disabilities... The department is at your disposal to help you integrate and adapt your workplace.

It puts you in touch with all the sevices concerned by your situation, accompanies you to the local disability institutions and helps you in your career development.

Contact and information :

Focus on "aspie friendly" support

The UPJV wishes to promote the global inclusion (access to higher education, support towards social and vocational integration) of autistic students without intellectual disabilities by participating in the "Aspie Friendly" project. Integration, follow-up and success are the key words of this scheme for an optimal support of these students.

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