6 BIATSS (engineers, administrative, technical, social and health personnel and library staff)
8 external personalities
The Management Board shall determine the policy of the institution and in particular:
approves the UPJV's establishment contract
prepares and votes the budget and approves the UPJV
approves the agreements and conventions signed by the President of the UPJV
approves the UPJV's internal regulations
determines the distribution of jobs allocated by the competent ministries
authorises the President to take any legal action
approves the social balance sheet of the UPJV and the annual activity report
adopts the multi-annual master plan for disability policy, on the proposal of the Academic Board.
The members of the Management Board elect the President of the UPJV every four years.
The Academic Board
The Academic Board includes:
the members of the Research Committee
the members of the Training and University Life Committee
the members of the Disciplinary Section of the UPJV, which is responsible for student matters
The Academic Board is consulted on the training programmes of the UPJV's components. It may take decisions or issue recommendations on the guidelines for policies on training, research and the dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture.
It is also responsible for proposing to the Management Board a multi-annual master plan for disability policy.
The Academic Board is obliged to be consulted on all measures aimed at guaranteeing the exercise of academic freedoms and the trade union and political freedoms of students. Decisions of the Academic Board with financial implications are subject to approval by the Management Board.
The Research Committee
The Research Committee has 40 members:
28 staff representatives
4 postgraduate students
8 external personalities
The Research Committee is the competent body for all issues related to university research. Its prerogatives are in particular:
To distribute the resources for research as allocated by the Management Board
To set the operating rules for the UPJV laboratories
To be consulted on the agreements signed between the UPJV and the various research organisations
To adopt any measure likely to enable students to develop activities for the dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture.
The Education, Training and University Life Committee
The Education, Training and University Life Committee has 40 members:
16 students
16 teachers
4 external persons (including the Director of the CROUS)
The Education, Training and University Life Committee is the specialised body for training and student life issues. It adopts in particular:
The distribution of the budget for training as allocated by the Management Board
Rules for examinations
Knowledge control procedures
Examination schedule
Rules on the evaluation of teaching
Any measure designed to promote student success, to enable the implementation of student guidance and the validation of prior learning, to facilitate their entry into working life and to promote the cultural, sporting, social or associative activities offered to students, as well as measures to improve living and working conditions
Any measure aimed at promoting and developing interactions between science and society, initiated and led by students or teacher-researchers, both within the institution and in the territory where the institution is located
Measures necessary for the reception and success of students with a disability or disabling health condition