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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Community life

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Student associations enrich the life of the university. Cultural, social, international or linked to the educational components, they play an important role in the animation of the campus and the different sites.

Investing in a project to integrate more effectively

As an international student, joining and participating in a student association can facilitate your integration. Meeting, exchanging and sharing common values and objectives are conducive to the rapid development of a network of friends in your new living environment!

Some forty student associations are active at the UPJV. There is bound to be one to make you want to get involved!

Consult the directory of associations:

Can't find an association in line with your interests? Create your own!

The UPJV Student Life Department will guide you in the development of your association project:
  • Administrative procedures for the creation of your association (conditions of existence, drafting of statutes, constitution of the approval file, official declaration to the prefecture, insurance, etc.)
  • Application for financial aid to supplement your budget (Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes)

Do you want to get started?

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