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Université de Picardie Jules Verne


You are here : Accueil > ABOUT US > University organization > Presidency

The President, who manages our University, is elected for four years by an absolute majority of the members of the Management Board (CA). His mandate is renewable once.

Assisted by several Vice-presidents in the various decision-making bodies of the university, the President appoints delegates, project managers and coordinators, who support the management team in the study of strategic issues.

As a source of innovative proposals in their fields of competence, they all work to define and implement the institution's strategy.



University Professor of Physics
Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics (LPMC)


Vincent Niot
Vice-president of the Management Board
Vincent NIOT
Professor of Life and Earth Sciences - Faculty of Sciences
Luc Vandromme
Vice-president of the Management Board
Professor of Psychology - Faculty of SHSP - Centre de Recherche en Psychologie - Cognition, Psychisme et Organisations (CRP-CPO)
Denis Postel
Vice-president of the CR
Professor of Chemistry - Faculty of Sciences - Laboratory of Glycochemistry of Antimicrobials and Agro-resources (LG2A)
Christophe Bident
Vice-president of the CFVU
Christophe BIDENT
Professor of Theatrical Arts - Faculty of Arts - Centre de Recherche en Arts et en Esthétique (CRAE)

Vice-president for Steering and Quality of Academic Courses, Training, Careers Guidance
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics - INSPÉ

Vice-president for Student Life
Virginie LE MEN
Professor - INSPÉ

Vice-president for Educational Transformation
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science - Faculty of Sciences

Student Vice-president of the CFVU
Student in Health Engineering - Institute of Health Engineering (2IS) - Faculty of Medicine
Philippe Nivet
Vice-president for Research in the SHS sector
Philippe NIVET
Professor of Contemporary History - Faculty of History-Geography - CHSSC
Véronique BACH
Vice-president for Research, Health Sector and Relations with the University Hospital
Véronique BACH
Professor of Neuroscience - Faculty of Medicine - PÉRITOX
Marie-Françoise Montaubin
Vice-president for International Affairs 
Professor of Literature - Faculty of Literature - CERCLL
Gilles Dequen
Vice-president for Digital Affairs
Professor in Computer Science - Faculty of Sciences - MIS


Saïd AHMAIDI - Strategy for Sports reporting to the President
Nathalie CATELLANI - Staff training, reporting to the Vice-president of the Management Board, in charge of Human Resources, Finance and Heritage
Véronique DOMINGUEZ - Second level-university continuum, attached to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life Committee
Maxime GIGNON - Medical and paramedical training, attached to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life Committee
Delphine HERMES - Centre for International Affairs and International Courses (Carré de l'international & international formations), reporting to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life Committee and to the Vice-president in charge of International Affairs and Documentation Policy
Véronique LUCE - Disability,  reporting to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life and to the Vice-president of the Management Board for Human Resources, Finance and Heritage
Lise LERICHOMME - Equality between men and women and the fight against gender discrimination, reporting to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life Committee and to the Vice-president of the Management Board for Human Resources, Finance and Heritage
Jean-Pierre MAROLLEAU - Health partnerships, reporting to the Vice-president of the Research Committee
Justin WADLOW - Cultural policy, attached to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life Committee

Project Officers

Anne BOFFY - Corporate Relations,  attached to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life Committee
Davy CASTEL - Quality of life at work, reporting to the Vice-president of the Management Board for Human Resources, Finance and Heritage
Patrice COOREVITS - Monitoring the economic model of work-linked courses, reporting to the Vice-president of the Management Board for Human Resources, Finance and Heritage
Anne-Sophie DE FRANCESCHI - Action and social and cultural life of the staff, reporting to the Vice-president of Management Board for Human Resources, Finance and Heritage
Cédric DOLIGER -  Promotion of student entrepreneurship, reporting to the Vice-president of the Management Board for Institutional and Academic Partnerships
Hervé DUPONT - Campus Health project, reporting to the President
David DURAND - Scientific culture, attached to the Vice-president of the Research Committee
Mathieu HAINSELIN - Valorisation, research and transfer LCeR and Oser, attached to the Vice-president of the Education, Training and University Life Committee
Florence JAMAY - Ecological transition, reporting to the Vice-president of the CFVU and the Vice-president of the Management Board for Human Resources, Finance and Heritage
Florence PILARD - Research and Innovation component of the Central and Regional Government Planning Contract (CPER) and Innovation Campus project, reporting to the Vice-president of the Research Committee
Arnaud TIMBERT - French-speaking areas, reporting to the Vice-president in charge of International Affairs and Documentary Policy
Andreas  ZEINERT - European Networks, reporting to the Vice-president in charge of International Affairs


Michèle BOITEL - Scientific Integrity contact person
Ismail FERHAT - Secularism contact person
Céline MASSON - Anti-racism and antisemitism contact person
Fabienne THÉROUSE - Deontologist contact person
Hélène TONNELET - Anti-radicalisation contact person

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